Sabtu, 29 November 2008

Tips Mengedit HTML Blogspot

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Jika kita mengotak-atik atau mengedit HTML blog kadang2 akan mengalami kesulitan, apalagi bagi yang masih agak pemula. Entah itu gak bisa nemu kode yang mau diedit lah, gak bisa disimpan karena error lah, Ada pesen error yang gak jelas lah, dan lah-lah yang lain, ya to...??? Nha trik dan tips kali ini akan mencoba gimana cara untuk mengatasi atau setidaknya mengurangi masalah "lah-lah" yang kadang2 atau sering terjadi tersebut.
Berikut ini beberapa tips untuk edit HTML bogger:

1. Backup Template
Membackup template ini penting karena jika terjadi hal-hal yang tidak dinginkan, misalnya blog jadi rusak maka kita bisa membuatnya seperti sediakala (sebelum rusak) jika kita sebelumnya sudah membackup template. Cara membackup template ini mudah. Cukup klik pada link "Download Full Template" lalu simpan file template di komputer kita. Kalo terjadi kesalahan yang tidak bisa kita atasi, kita tinggal upload aja file template tersebut.

2. Memberi Tanda Centang pada Kotak "Expand Widget Template"
Ini yang kadang2 dilupakan para "editor". Kalau kotak "Expand Widget Templates" tidak dicentang maka kode2 yang dicari kemungkinan tidak ditemukan. Tapi kadang2 hal ini tidak perlu dilakukan tergantung dari petunjuk tutorialnya. Makanya perhatikan baik2 tutorialnya kalo mau Edit HTML blog.

3. Tips Mempermudah Pencarian
Untuk mempermudah pencarian kode yaitu dengan meng-copy dulu kode yang mau dicari kemudian tekan "Ctrl+f" lalu masukkan kode yang dicopy tadi kedalam kotak yg muncul. Kalo misalkan kode yang dicari tidak muncul maka cobalah mencari sebagian dari kode tersebut. Misal mau mencari kode <p><data:post.body/></p> jika tidak ketemu maka cb carilah sebagiannya atau seperti ini data:post.body kalau sudah ketemu maka klik tombol next untuk melihat apakah ada kode lain yang sama untuk memastikan kode yang dikehendaki. Tapi tips ini sepertinya sulit dilakakukan jika menggunakan browser "Chrome" paling mudah jika menggunakan "Mozilla Firefox".

4. Tips Menghadapi Error Yang Muncul
Jika saat menyimpan hasil editan kemudian muncul pesan error, misal seperti ini:
We were unable to save your template
Please correct the error below, and submit your template again.
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure.....
Maka hal yang harus kita lakukan adalah berusaha memahami pesan error tersebut. Kemudian kita cek kembali tutorial yang kita baca apakah langkah-langkah yang sudah kita lakukan bener2 sesuai dengan tutorialnya. kalau tidak yakin maka kita bisa mengulangi lagi tutorialnya dari awal dengan mengklik tombol "Clear Edit" terlebih dahulu.

Mungkin untuk masalah mengahadapi berbagai pesan error ini akan kita bahas lebih lanjut diepisode yang lainnya yang lebih spesifik.

Yak mungkin itu aja dulu tips-tips dalam pembahasan kali ini. Kita jumpa lagi di tips-tips berkutnya.
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Kamis, 27 November 2008

The Sexy Aishika Chand

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Aishika Chand is a Indian people, not Tamil. She has posed nude, topless, it's her hobbies. For her, the Sunsilk campaign was most memorable.

It was shot on a big set resembling a rainforest lake and it took two days to shoot the 30-second ad. The crew flew from India and had specific guidelines. My hair was coloured jet-black and got meter long hair extensions. The idea was for me to look like a heavenly water goddess. Needless to say the ad was very popular in India. The Harlem shoot was equally brilliant.

She loves exotic black lace and diamonds on fine pieces of satin in her undergarments collection. Aishika Chand is very sexy girl nude.

Here the sexy Aishika Chand photo :

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The Sexy Adriana Lima

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Name : Adriana Lima
Occupation : Model
Birth Date : June 12, 1981
Hometown : Salvador, Brazil
Height : 178 (5'10)
Bust : 84 (33'')
Waist : 61 (24'')
Hips : 86 (34'')
Hair : Brown
Eyes : Green

Adriana Lima modeling career began at a young age. She was only 13 when an agent discovered her at the mall. At 15, she won the Ford Supermodel Of Brazil contest and placed second in the Ford Supermodel Of The World contest. Shortly after, speaking only broken English, she moved to New York City and signed a contract with Elite Model Management.
Adriana first big break came when she appeared high above New York Times Square on a Vassarette billboard. She quickly gained worldwide recognition for her work in the GUESS? Wailea , Los Angeles, and Costanoa campaigns. Within a few years, Adriana was a star in the modeling industry.

Here the sexy Adriana Lima photo :

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The Sexy Riya Sen

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Riya Sen born as Riya Dev Varma on January 24th, 1981 in Kolkata, India is a promising Indian film actress and a former model. Widely regarded as the sexy star, Riya Sen has acted in Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and English language movies.

Riya Sen was born in the family of actresses. She is the daughter of Moon Moon Sen and a grand daughter of Suchitra Sen. Both famous Indian actresses of yesteryears. Her sister Raima Sen is also a noted actress. Her father Bharat Dev Varma hails from the Royal family of Tripura. A drop out from college, Riya Sen studied for a while at the National Institute of Fashion Technology.

Here the pictures :

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The Sexi Kareena Kapoor

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Fullname : Kareena Kapoor ( Indian : करीना कपूर )
Nick Name : Bebo
Born : September 21, 1980

She is an Indian film actress appearing in Bollywood films. Born into the Kapoor film family, she made her acting debut with Refugee (2000), for which she won a Filmfare Best Female Debut Award. In 2001, Kapoor received her first commercial success with her second release, Mujhe Kucch Kehna Hai and later appeared in Karan Johar's melodrama Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham, which became India's top-grossing film in the overseas market that year and her biggest commercial success to date.

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Jumat, 21 November 2008

Akhirnya Ganti Template Juga

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Setelah sekian lama, akhirnya blog ini ganti template juga. Dari awal blog ni memang tidak pernah ganti template, paling cuma modifikasi dikit sana sini. Tapi sekarang, setelah menimbang2 dan melalui pemikiran yang panjang x lebar x tinggi, akhirnya diputuskan untuk mengubah template blog ini. Dan bagi yang berminat dengan template blog ini yang lama sekarang sudah bisa didownload. Silahkan DOWNLOAD DISINI untuk mendapatkan template lama blog ini. Tapi tentunya ada beberapa hal yang harus dimodifikasi, diantaranya yaitu :

1. Icon Kalender
Supaya icon kalendernya berfungsi (tidak "undefine") maka haru dirubah dulu format tanggalnya. Yaitu melalui "Setting-->Formatting" kemudian di bagian "Date Header Format" ganti dengan yg berformat "mm.dd.yyyy" misal (11.22.2008).

2. Ganti Tabs menu Horizontal
caranya yaitu masuk di EDIT HTML kemudian cari kata "horizontal tab", nha silahkan otak-atik didaerah situ untk mengedit menu2 horiizontalnya.

3. Ganti Isi Tabview
Caranya yaitu masuk di EDIT HTML kemudian cari kata "tab view", nha silahkan otak-atik didaerah situ untk mengedit isi dari tabview tersebut

Untuk edit2 yang lainnya silahkan diotak-atik sendiri.

Yup, gitu aja. Selamat tinggal templateku yang lama.
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Senin, 17 November 2008

Google Translate

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Sepertinya google memang ingin merajai dunia per-web-an, dari segala bentuk model website sudah di punyai oleh google, bermula dari cuma situs pencari akhirnya yang kemudian berkembang menjadi raksasa bisnis iklan dengan dengan menelorkan adword dan adsense hingga menjadikan google sebagai perusahaan website yang kaya-raya, berturut-turut kemudian google memiliki situs youtube, blogger, bahkan sampai alat browsing saja sudah dipunyai oleh google yaitu google chrome, dan semuanya ternyata digemari dan menjadi booming di dunia cyber! Kabar terbaru, google melirik bisnis handheld yaitu dengan diterbitkannya operating system untuk ponsel. Dan yang lebih unik lagi google juga mempunyai mesin penterjemah, termasuk dalam bahasa indonesia, jadi menurut saya sangat membantu dan penting sekali terutama jika kita ingin membuat posting dalam bahasa inggris, walaupun masih versi beta tetapi kemampuannya untuk menyusun kalimat sudah baik, coba saja anda buka link ini: Anda dapat dengan mudah memilih bahasa yang diterjemahkan dan bahasa hasil terjemahan. Anda juga bisa menterjemahkan sebuah situs sekaligus, sebagai contoh adalah blog ini yang saya terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa inggris: Read More..

Sabtu, 15 November 2008

Cara Menghilangkan Tanda Tang dan Obeng

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Sering aku ditanya tentang masalah ini. Yaitu tentang bagaimana cara menghilangakn tanda tang dan obeng yang muncul di blog kita. Bagi yang baru terjun didunia blog pasti ada yang bingung kenapa di blog mereka bisa muncul tanda tang dan obeng yang biasanya bisa digunakan untuk mengedit secara langsung untuk gadget2 atau element2 yang terpasang.

Sebenarnya itu bukan merupakan suatu masalah, karena tanda tersebut hanya muncul jika pemilik blog sedang login di account blognya dan hanya muncul di komputer orang tersebut. Jadi orang lain tidak bisa melihatnya. Dan kalau pemilik blog tersebut sudah "sign out" maka tanda tersebut tidak akan muncul lagi.

Jadi para blogger pemula gak usah khawatir ya ... :D

Dah, gitu ah aja tips dan trik kali ini. mo lanjutin tidur lagiiii......
:s :s :s :s
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Kamis, 06 November 2008

Pasang Widget Translator

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Memasang widget translator atau "Penerjemah" pada blog banyak sekali gunanya. Translator ini berguna apabila ada pengunjung dari negara lain yang secara sengaja maupun tidak yang melihat blog kita dan tidak tahu bahasa kita maka mereka bisa menggunakan widget ini untuk menterjemahkannya kedalam bahasa yang mereka inginkan (tentunya yang sudah ada di widget ini). Widget ini sudah support untuk bahasa Indonesia. Dan kalo kamu mau, translator ini bisa juga untuk menterjemahkan tugas dari sekolah/kampus secara mudah. Dan hasilnya bisa lebih bagus daripada software transtool lho. Gimana? cara mudah nya clik disini  
mau membuatnya? caranya mudah lho. Gini nih...

1. Login ke Blogger trus pilih menu "Layout" atau "Tata Letak"
2. Kemudian klik pada "Add Gadget" atau "tambah gadget=".
3. Lalu pilih HTML/Javascript"
4. Kemudian masukkan script berikut ini kedalamnya.

<script src=""></script>

5. Kemudian simpan.

Coba sekarang lihat blogmu maka ada tampilan seperti ini :

Coba dites apakah translator tersebut bekerja dengan baik atau tidak.
Gimana? gampang kan...
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Selasa, 04 November 2008

Recommended Software Downloads

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It's important to us to know what is the nice computer software that can be downloaded. click in here is one of many site that provide info about it. We can find for some high quality click in here. A list of applications that have been tested extensively such as click in here also served as a comprehensive listing of the high quality software. When evaluating for recommendation, they are not only do consider the functionality and features of the application, but also test to ensure it works well. We can also get reviews info from some software such as click in here and other gadgets. Therefore, be sure to check back for updates periodically.
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Sabtu, 01 November 2008

2nd Contest - 1st Winner

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We chose Shootantio as the the 1st winner of our 2nd contest because of the totally great, complete, detailed, and lengthy review entry post, very clean look, and great blend of design and content.

Here's the winning entry post:


In the beginning of this month, are opening up a 2nd contest to showcase our blog there for a week. The closing date is October 31, 2008. For the complete information of this contest, you can see " - 2nd Contest: Showcase your blog here". Formerly, has been opened up an opportunity to all bloggers to showcase their blogs there at in the beginning of September, 2008. The 1st contest has been closed at September 21, 2008.

This review bellow have purpose to participate in the " - 2nd Contest: Showcase your blog here", specifically review for design of So, I give a title for this design review is "Our "Best" Blogger Templates Design Review". Generally, in this review I will make short analyze about design elements and graphics consistency, colors complimentary and appropriateness, designed to load faster and top rank in search engine, font sizes and text formats consistency and readability, and distracting design features or site functions. I hope you will enjoy this review.

Design Elements and Graphics Consistency

Line elements in design are right in their own places. There aren't find any problems with visualization of lines in design. Shape elements in design are good. As visually, design have their own good shape and have good balance. Direction elements in design are very proportional. Horizontal direction suggests calmness, stability and tranquility. Vertical gives a feeling of balance, formality and alertness. Oblique suggests movement and action. Size elements are very sufficient. The size area that occupied by one shape to that of another in design have no problems. Texture elements in design are very smooth and soft. Visual texture in there don't make user's eyes tired. Color elements in design are very interesting. There are have good hue to catch user's eyes. Value elements in design have sufficient lightness and also have adequate darkness of the color. There are have good tone.

For graphic consistency, design have good harmony. That harmony are sourced and united from the design elements that have explained above. Every design elements are bundled, make a unity and create a good harmony each others. Bellow here, you can see the header logo that also represents of their Consistency:

Our Best Blogger Templates Design Review - Graphic Design Drawing -

Colors Complimentary and Appropriateness layout design, have background color code #333333, body background color code #FFFFFF, post title color code #BB0000, side bar title color code #BB0000, lines color code #E6E6E6, links color code #4178C0, main and side bar text color code #616161, ads navbar background color code #4178C0, header image color code #3871BD and #FF5F00, upper and lower horizontal lines color code #32527A, footer background color #000000, footer text color code #999999, and also footer links color code #66B5FF. You can see the preview image of layout design and also color composition usage bellow:

Our Best Blogger Templates Design Review - Graphic Design Drawing -

All of colors selection code above, build a good view and harmony that make user's eye will not tired in spite of long time duration seeing. For that reasons, we can say layout design have good colors complimentary and good appropriateness.

Designed to Load Faster and Top Rank in Search Engine

When I type and search with "our best blogger templates" keywords in Search Engine, are in the top position. You can see the preview image that is in the 1st position bellow:

Our Best Blogger Templates Design Review - Graphic Design Drawing -

Furthermore, in the top right side of that Google Search Result, you can see that is the top position of 1st page, from 717,000 search results, for "our best blogger templates" keywords, and have 0.06 seconds time results. You can see the preview image that load faster in Google Search Engine bellow:

Our Best Blogger Templates Design Review - Graphic Design Drawing -

Font Sizes and Text Formats Consistency and Readability have good font size and text formats consistency. This fact will be proofed when you watch closely every part of pages. Don't be hesitate, have good font size and text formats consistency. You can see the preview image that show text size and font type bellow:

Our Best Blogger Templates Design Review - Graphic Design Drawing -

When I try to open page source of, I found that use font size 100%. It means that normally font size usage and will give readability consequence to all readers. use several font there are Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, Tahoma, and Sans-serif. These font types are also readability to almost of all readers. You can see the preview image that show page source where contains font size and text formats information bellow:

Our Best Blogger Templates Design Review - Graphic Design Drawing -

Distracting Design Features or Site Functions don't have any distracting design features or any distracting site functions. This pronouncement will be proofed when you keep track of every part in


After you read and understand "Our "Best" Blogger Templates Design Review" above, I hope you can answer following questions that related with contents of this review. Here are the question:
  • Are design elements and graphics consistent?
  • Are colors complimentary and appropriate?
  • Is designed to load faster and top rank in search engine?
  • Are font sizes and text formats consistent and readable?
  • Are there distracting design features or site functions? is one website that balances the beauty and the brains. Beauty being the nicely designed graphics, design elements and brains are the features, functionality and content. It is also important that conveys professionalism with its design, because for many people, it's an important factor in reading and subscribing. Generallt, this review above analyze's color combination, graphic sizes and placement, font sizes and colors, as well as its overall look and feel.
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2nd Contest - 2nd Winner

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We chose Ruthi's Breathing Space as the 2nd winner of our 2nd contest because of the clean use of our template with good design changes, great story in promoting in the entry post, and strong support in Ourblogtemplates.

Here's the entry post:

I was in a designing mood the entire week last week that is why my blogging frame of mind took a back seat for the moment. I was using the old blogger template since I signed up here [the one that is readily available when you create a blog account here] but I made a few customizations here and there as I learned the rope of html codes and their significance. Somehow I was able to do few drastic changes in the entire template lay-out [like changing the 2-column template to 3-column] through some helpful websites that give simple and easy tutorial lessons like Dummies’ Guide to Google Bloggers, Blogger Buster and Tips for New Bloggers. I also learned to design my own header and did a lot of them for my former school (5), my cousin (2) and my baby brother (4). And I added widgets left and right too.

Then, one day when I signed in to this blog the entire page was blank except for the blog title, the categories, the blog archives and the widget clock. I freaked out. I wasn’t able to find any of my posts. Then I checked my brother’s blog [which I am officially babysitting] and it has the same fate as mine. I freaked out some more.

So I googled… I googled more… and I googled hard. Then I found and found lots of FREE blogger templates. This is the best blogger template website that I've ever found in google. All the templates are cool and easy to install. It has tutorials on how you can customize the tamplates to your own style that will suit your personality and taste. They have tips that you can use to enhance and improve your lay-out.And they have updates on everything about blogger. In other words... rocks... to the max.

And so, I downloaded tons of templates [I have lots of blogs of my own and more adopted ones, remember?] and decided that it’s about time to make a change. Why not? Even Obama is calling for change, right? And I did. And this is the result of that drastic decision I made last week. It was painstaking but worth it. I single-handedly copied all the important data in notepad especially my friends’ blogroll [that task almost killed me] and re-installed them one by one. So, all of my 4 blogger accounts – a Carpenter's WIFE's tool box, My REFUGE, sa puso at isip and THIS ONE… had major facelifts courtesy of, now I need one myself… literally.
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2nd Contest - 3rd Winner

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We chose the Prometheus Aerospace blog as the 3rd winner of our 2nd contest because of the strong support the blog author gives to Ourblogtemplates by using our templates in all her blogs, and a great review entry too.

Here's the entry post:
The purpose of this post is to officially enter Prometheus Aerospace in Our Blogger Template's Second Showcase Contest. I cannot say enough good things about Our Blogger Templates. When I decided to start blogging a few months ago, I had initially planned on adopting a WordPress format. What can I say except that for me, WordPress was a huge headache. It just was not the user-friendly platform I needed to succeed as a webmaster. Then, I decided to give Blogger a try and fell in love with its ease of use -- especially its visual layout and ability to customize fonts and colors. The main problem for me, at that point, was the lack of adequate 3-column templates. Enter Our Blogger Templates.
The day I found Our Blogger Template's site online was a blessed day indeed. Not only did they have a wonderful variety of templates in multiple formats (including 3-column), but their ability to be customized is top-rate. I especially like the fact that OBT has included variables for so many sections of the template. The simplicity of being able to modify the colors and fonts cannot be overstated, and this is a real time-saver that I appreciate -- especially since I am not that much of a whiz with HTML or CSS
I started out with one blog and now have eight full-time sites, and they ALL use templates from Our Blogger Templates! I have implemented the Fishing template on this site and some of my other sites because it works so seamlessly. After I am done customizing the colors, fonts and header images, each site has its own unique feel. This frees me to focus my time on content and not technical issues.
Further, Our Blogger Templates provides their templates for free! That's right, FREE! Having done design-work for Prometheus Aerospace's sister site, Headers Galore, I can appreciate how much thought, time and effort has gone into OBT's templates. Thanks for what you do, Our Blogger Templates! I cannot thank you enough for making my life easier. I wish you nothing but success :)
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Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved Revolution Two Church theme by Brian Gardner Converted into Blogger Template by Bloganol dot com