Kamis, 08 Januari 2009

Blogger Templates: The Professional Template

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The Professional Template is by far the best template we have ever produced for public use. It has multiple columns that are flexible - it can either be a 3, 5, 6, or 8 column template without you having to do any coding. The basic color is white, but you can easily change all the colors and fonts without doing any coding. And you can change the header image to anything you want without any coding too.

This free Blogger template webdesign is based on a professional template theme. It can be either a 3, 5, 6, or 8 column template. If you want a 3 or 5 column template, simply don't fill in the smaller sidebars on the right and the lowerbar widgets; then make its colors blend with the post column.

The left sidebar is 120 px wide, and the main right sidebar is 300 px wide, perfect for vertical and square Adsense boxes. The two smaller rightsidebars are 132 px wide. All the 3 lowerbar columns are 278 px wide.

Important: Change your template without loosing any sidebar widgets.
Help links: template installation guides and instructions.

Header Image

To put the header image in your blog, click on the image below to open up a larger size and save it into your computer. Then, upload the image using the Layout > Page Elements > Header Edit tab. If you want to use your own image for the header, the image width has to be 970 pixels (with any height).

Header image adapted from helmet13 (credit accordingly if use).

Terms of Use
This new XML Blogger template is free but please value our hours of design work by leaving the footer credit to Ourblogtemplates.com intact.
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Blogger Templates 141 - 150

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Click for more templates below:
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Meletakkan gambar/widget di pojok blog

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maksud judul diatas adalah,kamu akan bisa memasang widget/gambar di pojok blog.bisa di pojok atas maupun pojok bawah.yang lebih kerennya lagi.gambar atau widget itu akan terus berada disana walaupun scroll di arahkan ke bawah.cocok sekali kalo untuk pasang iklan
coba kamu perhatikan gambar di bawah ini;

saya akan ajarkan cara membuatnya:

1.masuk ke blogger
2.layout-edit html-centang expand template widget.
3.cari kode ini ]]></b:skin>
4.taruh code dibawah ini tepat diatas code nomor 3

#Lookj_keren {
position:fixed;_position:absolute;bottom:0px; left:0px;
document.documentElement.clientHeight-this.clientHeight); _left:expression(document.documentElement.scrollLeft+ document.documentElement.clientWidth - offsetWidth); }

tulisan yang dicetak tebal bisa anda ganti sebagai posisi letak gambar

5.kemudian cari lagi code ini </body> dan letakkan script di bawah ini sebelum kode tersebut

<div id="Lookj_keren">
<a href="http://alamat blog.blogspot.com">
<img src="http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/1435/pojokyu7.jpg" border="0" /></a>

tulisan berwarna merah bisa kamu ganti dengan alamat blogmu

tulisan berwarna biru bisa diganti dengan link gambar

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Blogger Templates: ProBlogger Template

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The ProBlogger Template is an extremely flexible template based on The Professional Template. It has multiple columns that are flexible - it can either be a 3, 5, 6, or 8 column template without you having to do any coding. The basic color is white, but you can easily change all the colors and fonts without doing any coding. And you can change the header image to anything you want without any coding too.

This free Blogger template is based on a professional template theme. It can be either a 3, 5, 6, or 8 column template. If you want a 3 or 5 column template, simply don't fill in the smaller sidebars on the right and the lowerbar widgets; then make its colors blend with the post column.

The left narrow sidebar is 120 px wide, and the main right sidebar is 300 px wide, perfect for vertical and square Adsense boxes. The two smaller rightsidebars are 132 px wide. All the 3 lowerbar columns are 278 px wide.

Important: Change your template without loosing any sidebar widgets.
Help links: template installation guides and instructions.

Header Image

To put the header image in your blog, click on the image below to open up a larger size and save it into your computer. Then, upload the image using the Layout > Page Elements > Header Edit tab. If you want to use your own image for the header, the image width has to be 970 pixels (with any height).

Header image adapted from dmb (credit accordingly if use).

Terms of Use
This new XML Blogger template is free but please value our hours of design work by leaving the footer credit to Ourblogtemplates.com intact.
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Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved Revolution Two Church theme by Brian Gardner Converted into Blogger Template by Bloganol dot com