Jumat, 16 Januari 2009

A British Channel 4 Documentary on Gaza

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Warning: The video below contains distressing scenes and is not for the faint hearted.

In this British Channel 4 News documentary, reporter Sandra Jordan investigated the miserable daily life condition for Palestinians living in Gaza under total occupation of the Israeli regime. Their story focused on detail events surrounding the deaths of an American peace activist Rachel Corrie who was deliberately crushed by an Israeli armored bulldozer and two British journalists who were directly shot at by Israeli soldiers. After the production of this documentary, Israeli government has made it more difficult and dangerous for journalists to uncover the real stories behind the misery and aggression in Gaza.

Link to the Channel 4 News related to the story on the video.

Another documentary on Gaza by an American research institute.

Full documentary on the historical perspective and expert commentaries to the conflict with a brief historical review by an Oxford University professor.

This post is part of our effort to bring awareness and factual information, typically unreported in mainstream media, on the escalating Israeli-Palestine crisis and the unimaginable humanitarian catastrophy.

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