Selasa, 12 Mei 2009

Mahasiswi Seksi, Olala!

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Mahasiswi seksi foto pamer dada mungkin uda biasa, tapi gimana kalo mahasiswi seksi saking mesumnya mpe2 malah bikin kesel? Hal ini baru saja saya alami.. Blog mahasiswi seksi iklan baris promosi gratis saya kayaknya ada yang ngusilin nih.. Apa karena blog tersebut lagi ikut bersaing di kontes Wisata SEO Sadau? Benar-benar mahasiswi berbodi seksi yang hot sekali..

Pertama-tama, mohon maaf karena paragraf pertama di atas yang agak nyeleneh. Bukan, bukan.. Permohonan maaf itu bukan untuk Anda yang nantinya nyasar dari google ke postingan ini karena ingin melihat foto-foto mahasiswi seksi.

Hari ini saya baru nemuin kalo ternyata blog Kafe-Iklan dipenuhin oleh sampah. Ada mahasiswi hot orang yang entah usil ato memang ingin berpromosi, memenuhin blog tersebut dengan postingan-postingan MESUM...! Bukan cuma sekali, tapi 50 kali lebih! Anda bisa melihat postingan tersebut, cek TKP aja. Beberapa sudah saya hapus.. Tapi terus muncul lagi, kayaknya ada bot SPAM yang berkeliaran. Karena memang ada gangguan belakangan ini.

Mahasiswi Seksi Hot

Entah memang ada mahasiswi seksi hot bot SPAM yang berkeliaran ato error dari ato memang ada orang yang usil nyepam di blog mahasiswi mesum seksi tersebut, tapi trnyata ada segi positifnya juga..

Apa segi positifnya?? Segi positifnya yaitu blog Kafe-Iklan jadi melejit posisinya di Google untuk kontes Wisata SEO Sadau.. Jadi memang bener mitos SEO yang mengatakan bahwa Google senang dengan blog yang sering di-Update.. :D Karena blog Kafe-Iklan itu sebenarnya cuma blog dummy untuk mendukung blog ini.. Baru dua hari ini saya optimasi sedikit blog Kafe-Iklan tersebut..

Ya, semoga aja kontesnya berjalan dengan sukses. Sementara itu mari lanjutin dulu nembak-nembak keywordnya.. Mahasiswi seksi mesum berpakaian hot sedang asik membaca majalah-majalah yang menampilkan cewek mahasiswi lagi dugem berpakaian seksi minim sehingga pahanya yang mulus putih menjadi pemandangan yang indah bagi para lelaki mesum hidung belang yang senang.....
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CCTV Mengawasi Setiap Gerakan Kamu !

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Kalau mendengar Close Circuit Television mungkin kebanyakkan orang belum tahu tapi kalau CCTV pasti banyak yang tahu karena sudah nggak asing lagi di kuping karena selalu teringat berita tentang penangkapan seorang tersangka dari hasil rekaman alat tersebut.

Kecil, hinggap di dinding, dan bisa bergerak itulah CCTV. Alat canggih yang bisa merekam setiap gerak-gerik seseorang dan menjadi alat favoritnya para pengelola gedung dan pusat perbelanjaan demi terciptanya keamanan. Dan sekarang CCTV mulai dipasang di tempat-tempat umum untuk membantu kerja Polisi.

Terus kalau dijelaskan lewat bahasa ilmiah, CCTV itu sebenarnya apa sich? Jadi pada dasarnya CCTV itu ialah penggunaan kamera video untuk mengirimkan sinyal ke sebuah tempat tertentu, terbatas pada set monitor (wikipedia). Kamera CCTV yang secara real time dapat di input ke dalam komputer. Sistem pengiriman gambar dari CCTV ke komputer memiliki dua macam cara yakni ada yang masih menggunakan sambungan kabel, biasanya dipakai di dalam gedung.

Pada cara ini ada komputer induk yang mengatur dan mengawasi pergerakan sistem kerja kamera yang biasanya dioperasikan lebih dari satu, jadi petugas yang mengoperasikannya pastinya harus stand by 'and' nggak boleh lengah.

Untuk yang kedua melalui cara tanpa kabel (nir kabel) yang ini biasanya dipakai untuk kepentingan penelitian ilmiah seperti memantau keadaan di luar angkasa. Tapi ngggak sembarang orang bisa mengaksesnya seperti siaran televisi karena ini memang sifatnya privasi.

Kecanggihan lainnya, gambarnya bisa diperbesar dengan jelas jadi bisa tahu bentuk rupanya benda seperti apa. Praktisnya lagi, lewat satu monitor berbagai gambar bisa dilihat dari sejumlah kamera yang dipasang di tiap sudutnya. Maka nggak perlu lagi repot harus memasang banyak monitor dalam satu ruangan.

Alat yang bisa mempermudah pengawasan ini namanya Quad Proccessor tambahannya dilengkapi alarm kalau salah satu kamera tidak aktif. Dan hasil gambar pantauannya sekaligus bisa direkam oleh alat yang namanya CCTV Card ke dalam bentuk cd ( Jadi kalau ada yang mau pasang di rumahnya boleh juga.
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Kontainer Tersedot Oleh Mesin Pesawat Komersial Japan Airlines !

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Cheap Holidays with

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Spending the holidays abroad is very exciting because we can know their cultures, their habits, their environment, their local food, and the most important thing is their beautiful places. However, we often wonder about the high costs for our holidays such as the airfare, hotel room, and the accommodation. Therefore, although we are very interested to go abroad to visit the beautiful places, we often cancel our holidays abroad. Actually, we find many travel agencies that offer the cheap holiday packages, but we often feel disappointed when the fact is not as they have offered us.

Now we can find the online travel agencies on the internet with their online booking systems for flight, hotel, and accommodation. One of them is You do not need to worry about the preparation of your vacation abroad. You can count on the site, especially for the flight and hotel. If you are planning to spend your holidays abroad, I invite you to take the advantage of Cheap Holidays with I have observed the site and I found this site very helpful to plan our holidays abroad. We can customize our holiday packages starting from the country we want to visit, the flight, and until the rooms that we want to book.

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Cheap wedding invitations

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People who are going to get married must prepare everything very well and perfectly because the marriage is the sacred thing and only once in a lifetime. It should be. Now if you are going to prepare your wedding day, you should consider many things so the small budget will be enough to hold a wedding party. You can be a bride on a budget if you are smart to manage the finance, and everything. In additional to that, you should be clever to find the cheap things but best qualities. Now I have a suggestion and I hope you like it. If you want your wedding party match with your small budget, you can visit the site of Bride and Groom Direct.

Bride and Groom Direct provides you the cheap wedding invitations, wedding stationary, table plans, wedding gifts, and many more for your wedding day. The wedding invitations from Bride and Groom Direction are very stylish, elegant, but also cheap. You must like them so much because you can prepare the elegant accessories in a small budget. You must be thankful to Bride and Groom Direct because they have provided you the brilliant idea to make your wedding day so perfect. Maybe, yesterday you were so confused what to do with your small budget to hold a perfect wedding ceremony, but now you have a smart idea with Bride and Groom Direct. Then you will have the unforgettable moment in your life. But remember, your marriage must be once in your life. Build a happy family with your life partner and your children.

Well, readers, if you would like to know more about Bride and Groom Direct, and about what they have provided you, you should visit their website at so you can determine what you have to order at this site for your wedding ceremony.

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The Free Online Phone Lookup

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Maybe you are not comfortable when you receive a phone call from someone you do not know at all. Then you want to know the identity of the caller or the owner of the phone number. You may think that it will be so hard to know the identity of the caller. However, it is no longer a big problem because you can get the free service from a website where you can get the Free Phone Lookup. With the phone lookup, you will know the name of the caller, the address, and other general information. In short, you can Trace That Phone Number.

The website that provides you the free phone lookup service is At Trace That Number, you can get the free phone lookup by entering the phone number that you want to see the lookup. You will get the information about the name, address, and other information. You should try it to know what the site has done for you.

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making Text area With Auto highlight Mouse Over

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Kang Rohman once posted an article about how to make text area at the post Making text area. The article explained two variations of text area, they are the normal text area and text area with highlight button so when visitors click on the button, all texts in the area will be highlighted and ready to be copied. Besides the two variations, there is still another variation; it is the text area with auto highlight when the mouse of visitor is over it. Below is the example, please point your mouse over the text area below:



You can see that when your mouse is pointed over the text in the text area, automatically the entire text will be highlighted and ready to be copied.

In order to make text area with auto highlight mouse over as above, you only need to write the script as follows:

<textarea rows="5" cols="25" onfocus="" onmouseover="this.focus()" style="display: inline;" name="txt" onclick="this.focus();">

Save your text or code here



You can change the rows value for the height of text area, and cols value for the width of text area.

If you want to place the text area in your posts, you should place it when you are in the position of Edit HTML, not Compose. If you want to place it on sidebar, you can place it on the gadget of HTML/JavaScript.

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Pisces - May 12, 2009

Your sensitive nature is highlighted today, dear Pisces, and you will find that your intuition is extra strong. The one problem is this is that you may leave yourself open and vulnerable to powerful energies that are working against your current aims. Be aware of what is going on around you at all times, for there might be an element of manipulation. Your feelings are very important and they deserve ultimate respect from yourself and others.

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Aquarius - May 12, 2009

There is great power in your emotions today, dear Aquarius, but the tricky thing is to actually put this power to good use. It could be that you are feeling a bit lazy and that you don't even want to get up and get moving. If you do, however, you will find that the events of the day are quite transforming. There is an intense pull on your emotions that will most certainly stir a rise within you, whatever that might be.

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Capricorn - May 12, 2009

Today is your day, dear Capricorn, so don't blow it. There is a great deal of positive energy coming your way, urging you to get moving. Live your dreams and don't worry about the details. Set your intentions straight from the onset, and you will find that things you need just automatically fall into place. Go with the flow, and you won't be led astray. There is a safety net of people waiting to catch you if you fall. Read More..


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Sagittarius - May 12, 2009

Don't rely too much on your head for all the answers today, dear Sagittarius. The key lies in your heart. More than likely, if you take an approach that is analytical and grounded, you will quickly become frustrated by your lack of progress. The way to get things done today is to trust your intuition and tap into your psychic nature. There is a powerhouse of force waiting for you as soon as you do.

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Scorpio - May 12, 2009

You may feel a bit more tender and vulnerable today, dear Scorpio. Your usual aloof nature may be in need of some close company today. You are more than likely not too concerned with small talk or pointless banter today. You would much rather go deep and discuss things that hold greater meaning for you deep down. You will find that you are able to adapt quite well to the powerfully sensitive mood of the day.

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Libra - May 12, 2009

Don't let the overwhelming emotionalism of the day get in the way of your plans, dear Libra. Be aware, however, that this sensitive force is very strong and will most certainly have a transforming effect on your psyche. This is a good time to dream, and dream big. Remember that you don't necessarily have to travel to the far reaches of the Earth to find freedom and happiness. You have just about everything you need right inside you.

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Virgo - May 12, 2009

Your emotions are going to be even stronger than usual, dear Virgo, but you are apt to find that this is a good thing. Your sensitivity is going to help you navigate through the waters of the day with very little trouble at all. Be confident about your feelings and make sure you say what you feel as soon as you feel it. It is not a good idea to stuff your powerful emotions inside where they will sit and stew.

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Leo - May 12, 2009

Indulge in your fantasies today and let your creative juices flow, dear Leo. This is a great day for you to do some art and sing some songs. Let your source of creative energy come from deep within and you may surprise yourself by the treasures that you unearth from the depths. Try not to get flustered by the lack of organization and grounding to the day. You will make up for it with dreams and wishes

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Cancer - May 12, 2009

This is a good day for you to stay in and rest, dear Cancer. Trying to make sense of things today may only leave you frustrated and upset. This is not a day to try to find analytical reasoning in regards to the way things are done. This is a day to see the big picture and to feel more than think. Strong forces are urging you to see the other side of the picture so that you can create a better sense of balance in your life.

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Gemini - May 12, 2009

You might find yourself feeling a bit dreamy today, dear Gemini, and you may find it hard to find the motivation that you need to get going. Once you do, however, you will be on a roll, and you have an automatic knowing about every situation you come in contact with. There is a powerful force at work today that is threatening to transform you in many ways - especially emotionally.

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Taurus - May 12, 2009

There is a warm, sensitive feeling to the day that you are apt to find quite comforting, dear Taurus. Your nurturing instincts are going to be extremely appreciated by others who might be grasping for something stable to grab hold of. Sensitive issues are your specialty and, whether you realize it or not, you have natural psychic abilities that are quite healing for anyone who comes in contact with this side of you.

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Aries - May 12, 2009

You may be feeling a nervous restlessness about you today that is difficult to shake, dear Aries. More than likely, you have many irons in the fire at this time, and you may be feeling a bit indecisive when it comes to figuring out how to proceed with all the things you have going on in your life. Realize that you are easily swayed by things today and that other people will find it very easy to manipulate you.

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The Menswear Trend: Under $250 (part 4)

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Shirt, $55, Cheap Monday; pants, $225, Cynthia Steffe; shoes, $89, G.H. Bass & Co.; hat, $30, San Diego Hat Co.; belt, $152, Kristin Kahle; watch, $175, Timex.

BLAZER $89.90, Mango; (212) 343-7012

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The Menswear Trend: Under $250 (part 3)

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Shirt, $180, tie, $100, Thomas Pink; watch, $175, Timex. On face: Rimmel London Stay Matte Clarifying Matte Foundation in Beige.

Jacket, $98, DKNY Jeans; tank, $25, Cheap Monday; tie, $69.50, Kenneth Cole; pants, $68, Necessary Objects; shoes, $49, Dirty Laundry; glasses, $179, Moscot; watch, $250, Michael Kors.

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The Menswear Trend: Under $250 (part 2)

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Jacket, $228, Brooks Brothers; shirt, $180, Thomas Pink; tie, $69.50, Kenneth Cole; shorts, $89, Ben Sherman; shoes, $89, Marc Fisher; watch, $199.99, Jacques Lemans. On hair: L'Oréal Paris Studio Perfect Fix Ultra-Fine Extreme Hold Finishing Hairspray.

Blazer, $150, Topshop; vest, $195, Vince; tank, $63, Splendid; pants, $198, Walter; shoes, $89, Marc Fisher; hat, $30, San Diego Hat Co.

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The Menswear Trend: Under $250 (part 1)

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Jacket, $139, Lauren Jeans Co. by Ralph Lauren; shirt, $69.50, Tommy Hilfiger; shorts, $200, A.P.C.; watch, $120, Timex; bow tie, stylist's own.

Shirt, $79, Ben Sherman; shorts, $90, Kostym by Cheap Monday; bow tie with frame, $225, Marquis & Camus; belt, $19.50, American Eagle Outfitters; watch, $75, Armitron.

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Ikan Korea Aneh Berbentuk Penis !

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DIY Made Easy.

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1. Hand Embroidered 

While it may not provide the same fingers-in-goo satisfaction of plaster of Paris, this new take on the old hand cast — inspired by blogger Megan Heep — does feel a whole lot fresher. Use a fabric pencil to trace your child's hand onto cotton fabric, and write his or her name and the year underneath. Then stretch the fabric on an embroidery hoop (plain 7- and 8 1/2-inch wooden versions, $1.19;; we painted ours red). Finally, trim the excess fabric and stitch along your pencil lines with a needle and embroidery floss.

2. Button Jewelry for Beginners 

Like a charm bracelet — only much less expected — this button-trimmed beauty is blessedly easy to make. Amy Barickman's Button Ware (Indygo Junction) spells it all out: Start with a link bracelet (a nickel-plated version with a toggle clasp costs $1.19 at, 40 to 60 buttons with shanks (those small loops protruding from the backs), an equal quantity of jump rings, and a pair of needle-nose pliers. For each side of each link on the bracelet: Pry one jump ring open with the pliers, then thread the ring through both the button's shank and the link itself, and use the pliers to pinch it closed again. Repeat until the chain's transformed and ready to wear.

3. Save Your Specs 

Even if you've never laid a finger on a sewing machine, you can whip up this snappy eyeglass case from Jodi Kahn, author of Simply Sublime Bags: 30 No-Sew, Low-Sew Projects (Potter Craft). Simply fold a quilted pot holder in half, hand-stitch the edges together, then slip your glasses into the resulting padded pouch.

4. Almost-Instant Message Board 

CL contributors Teri Edwards and Serena Thompson, a.k.a. the Farm Chicks, came up with this genius idea for repurposing a painted metal tray. Simply attach a sawtooth picture hanger to the tray's back with superglue, hang the tray from a nail, then add magnets — along with any must-try recipes or shopping lists. You can find more fast crafts, and 50 down-home recipes, in our latest collaboration, Country Living's The Farm Chicks in the Kitchen (Sterling).

5. DIY Candlestick Tray

Glue an assortment of thrift-store candlesticks to a vintage tray using a thin layer of Devcon Flow-Mix Five-Minute Epoxy — wiping off any excess with a damp cloth. To set, hold in place for five minutes. Wash by hand as needed. Total cost = $55: nine $5 candlesticks, a $7 tray, and a $3 tube of glue.

6.  Wine Glass Rack 

Convert a cramped corner into a fully stocked bar by hanging a rake over a small table and suspending stemware from its tines. To mount the rake, twist picture wire around the handle where it meets the rake, then loop it over a hook.

7.  Letter Organizer 

Get cluttered correspondence under control: Stash a hand rake on top of an entryway table or bill-paying desk and put it to work sorting incoming and outgoing mail.

8.  DIY Tie Rack 

Maximize shared closet space with a practical tie-and-belt rack hung from the back of the door. Or adapt this trick to keep your most tangle-prone necklaces in line.

9.  Chair Bench 

Three flea market chairs were given new life as a charming bench.

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10 Hot Hair Trends for Prom (part 2)

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6. Haute Headbands 

Headbands are definitely stealing the spotlight this prom season. It doesn’t matter whether your hair is straight or curly; a sparkly style will add some glitz and glamour to your down-do. 

7. '80s Crimp 

Crimpers can be fun, but fight the urge to use the iron on your whole head: Remember this is prom, not Halloween. Simply style a couple of strands and keep the rest of your loose locks straight for a modern and -- dare we say totally awesome -- take on this retro style. 

8. Half-Up With Height 

Having trouble deciding if the down-do is really for you? Don’t stress. A half-updo (one with lots of lift) gives you the best of both worlds: a few loose strands to twirl and a no-fuss hairstyle that looks ultra-elegant. 

9. Extreme Side Parts 

Besides being totally sexy, a side-swept down-do is flattering for every face shape. To really spice up your look, try enhancing your eyes with smoky shadow. 

10. Pinned-up Curls 

Want a down-do that keeps the hair out of your eyes? Try teasing your bangs and pinning them back with a barrette for a simple and stunning hairstyle. 

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